Jerry Springer Lite
Orlando Homeschool Leader Appears on Dr. Phil TV Show
“The Great School Debate” Episode Turns into the Great School Debacle Local Event Held to Demystify the Subject of Homeschooling
Orlando, FL – CarrieLynn, Thornton, a Casselberry resident and veteran home educator, recently appeared on the Dr. Phil Show for an episode called “The Great School Debate,” which is scheduled to air on (local network affiliate) on October 27.
Instead of an objective presentation about home education, the Dr. Phil Show turned into “Jerry Springer Lite,” with extreme examples of radical homeschoolers, hostile confrontations and a completely unbalanced presentation of home education.
Thornton wants to give the truth behind what viewers will see on the upcoming show – as well as provide Central Florida parents with a balanced presentation of mainstream homeschooling – by hosting an informational meeting at the Orange County Library (downtown location in the Albertson Room) on Thursday, October 26,
from 2:45 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
At the event, Thornton hopes to demystify the subject of home education and to provide sound research by credible sources, revealing home education as an excellent method of educating children. Because Central Florida homeschoolers can tap into a large local support base, Thornton will provide printed materials listing area homeschool support groups and other valuable homeschool resources. She will also introduce a Mentoring Program designed specifically for new homeschoolers.
“The Dr. Phil Show creates confusion and feeds fear with this upcoming episode featuring sensationalized segments and highlighting problems with home school and public school,” explains Thornton. “Worse yet, the show offers no hopeful educational alternatives for parents.”
“The Great School Debate episode provides an inaccurate, out-of-date depiction of the homeschool community that is being used to increase the ratings of a faltering talk show,” explains Thornton. “Mainstream homeschoolers are in greater numbers across the U.S. but they were not even represented on the show. Instead, the show features radical unschoolers, which represents a very small
percentage of the homeschooling community.”
Experts estimate that more than 2 million children are homeschooled in the United States. Mainstream homeschoolers maintain complete control of curriculum and education goals for their family. They are parents and children who, together with their public school counterparts, positively contribute to their community through
volunteerism and regularly participate in community activities such as local sports programs, 4-H groups, performing arts programs, Boy/Girl Scouts, youth groups, chess clubs, fine arts programs and more.
CarrieLynn Thornton is a proud mom to five beautiful children. She is a home school veteran of 10+ years. The Thornton family currently resides in Casselberry, FL. To read CarrieLynn Thornton’s qualifying video presentation script online in its entirety visit A Brighter Candle: The Great School Debate
(321) 439-5771
I am happy to find some one else who thinks that Dr Phil is another Jerry Springer. The drama on his show is just a watered down version of Springer.I have posted on the Dr Phil web site, and none have made it to the site. The censors of the Dr Phil show do not like it when any one critizes Dr Phil.
Dear CarrieLynn,I appreciate your sharing your personal experience on the Dr. Phil show. I still can’t believe that they purposely sat you next to anti-homeschooling members of the audience.After our conversation tonight on the phone, I can’t wait to share “the rest of the story” with our readers. It just blows my mind.CarrieLynn was supposed to be “guest” on the show and has a very interesting tale to tell.Currently, there is a great deal of speculation among the homeschool community as to whether the show will ever be aired.Many of us have written to the Dr. Phil show. I have not received a response to my e-mail. Has anyone else? Please share any responses you have received from the Dr. Phil show and feel free to share the letters you have sent to him. I know I would love to read them.Please share a link to CarrieLynn’s personal account of her experience on the Dr. Phil show with your homeschooling family and friends.