California Math

Posted by Annie on Oct 19, 2007 in California |
California Math Classes

Struggling to teach your kids elementary math skills like place values, division and fractions? Does your daily math time resemble an hour long argument between bitter adversaries rather that an enjoyable lesson between parent and child? Had one of those moments when you think the only way they’ll learn math is by putting them in school? You aren’t alone!

Finding the perfect textbook is never going to happen. The more worksheets you give them, the less they’ll absorb, let alone enjoy. And you really don’t want to send them to school — you’d have to start doing that whole lunch thing.

Instead, re-teach yourself math in this hands on workshop — Make and Take: Math. Over the course of 90 minutes, you’ll learn new ways to solve math problems and still get the right answers, create your own manipulatives that your kids can learn from no matter their learning style, and walk away with renewed energy (and understanding) of elementary math.

We make four different math tools, focusing on place values, multiplication/division, fractions, and basic geometry concepts. We’ll also dispel a few math myths, like there’s only one way to solve a problem or to view numbers.

Best of all, this class comes to you – I bring all the materials, including glue and scissors, you provide the table for everyone to work around.

The class is for adults, attended children under 12, and 12 and ups alone looking for some skills to use with younger siblings or as an added service while babysitting. The cost is $20 for this 90 minute class – want to attend for free? Host the class and you get it all, the fun, the projects, and the mess, for free.

I’m a fellow homeschooling mom and I’ll be in your area soon, check schedule for dates. I would love to offer this or one of our other classes to the members of your group, if you would be so kind as to pass this along to them.

For more information, visit Connected Classes and select Courses. There you can read about the full range of in-home courses for both parents and homeschoolers.

~Annette Keenberg

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