LocalHS is Back!

Posted by Annie on Jun 2, 2008 in Uncategorized |

After an electrical fire and explosion over the weekend, LocalHS is back up and running. Thousands still off-line.

LocalHS is Back!

Oh, how sweet it is to be back online. For those of you who may have missed us, LocalHS was totally off-line for more than 35 hours. In fact, if you are or were having trouble reaching your favorite websites, it could be due to a transformer explosion that blew out three walls at The Planet, one of the world’s largest webhosting providers.

According to reports from The Planet, it was pretty intense. The fire department came in and evacuated the building for several hours. Crews worked around the clock to repair the extensive damage, once they were allowed back in. Though The Planet has backup power sources, they weren’t allowed to use them, which spelled disaster for over 9,000 servers and the untold millions of websites hosted on them.

As Shawn and I sat here unable to do anything at all to resolve the problems all of our own clients were experiencing, we continuously monitored the forums that were feeding information to the masses about the outage. Many companies were reporting that they had received hundreds of calls from some understandably upset clients. It made me very grateful for the terrific bunch of people we serve.

As I started to make phone calls to some of our own clients, I was amazed to hear over and over again that you knew that we were on the case and would correct the problem as quickly as possible. We did not receive one single angry phone call. In fact, we only received a couple of calls of inquiry.

This weekend was very frustrating for us and for our clients to be sure and I really feel blessed by the response. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank my husband for his diligence and for providing updates to our clients as they became available.

On a side note, this outage provided the perfect opportunity for us to reconnect as a family. We spent our unexpected (and unwanted) newly found free time by taking an impromptu shopping trip and getting a grand start on a scrapbook project for my son, of his camping trip from last summer. We didn’t waste anytime finding things to do.

While we enjoyed our time together, it certainly is good to have all our sites back up and functioning. A special thanks to the hard work and dedication shown by staff at The Planet as they continue to work to get everyone back up and running.

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