Elizabeth’s Arm!

Posted by Annie on Oct 20, 2008 in Parenting |

One of the worst things in the world that too many parents face today is caring for a child with an illness or disability – especially a child that is often in pain.

Elizabeth's Arm!

As a grandparent of one child with autism and another with lymphangioma, it is heartbreaking to know that there is little I can do to help them. My daughter has driven literally around the country trying to find medical help for her two-year-old daughter who has lymphoangioma as well as a few other disabilities. She often suffers in pain.

So, when I received an E-mail today from Heather Martinson, webmaster for Homeschooling in Orange County, CA requesting help for her 19-year-old daughter who suffers with hemangioma, my heart went out to her and her daughter.

Heather’s daughter Elizabeth has an opportunity to be seen by specialists in the field but they lack the resources to get to the conference in New York. She is seeking help to finance their trip.

My husband and I sent our donation by paypal and we are asking anyone who can spare even $5 or $10 (or more) to make a donation to help this family. You can learn more about Elizabeth and keep updated on her condition by visiting Elizabeth’s Arm. Thank you in advance for any help you can offer this homeschooling family in need.

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1 Comment

  • Annette M. Hall says:

    I’d like to thank everyone who was able to respond to this request. I received the following e-mail from Heather.Thank you so much! Would you believe that within 48 hours I got all the money we need for this trip? So many wonderful people like yourself! -Heather

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