Money Matters

Posted by Annie on Oct 17, 2008 in Education |

Teens always want more money. They are often very good at spending it but often they do not know how to handle the money they already have.

If you don’t take control of your money, someone else will. Why learn to manage your money? You don’t have that much anyway, right? Wrong! The average American teenager spends $3,000 per year. And at the end of your teenage years, will you know what happened to that $21,000? Most won’t have a clue.

While $3,000 per year is most likely a lot less money than your parents spend, you should still be able to: Pay fair prices for quality items. Avoid being ripped off by misleading ads and salespeople. Stay out of debt. Save up for a car, college, or your own business. Give money that will make a difference in the world. Have money to do fun things with your friends.

Larry Burkett knows parents need to educate teens on solid, biblical money management if they’re to exercise these habits as adults. Geared at teens ages 15 – 18, in and Burkett address issues of specific concern for teens and teaches them the basics to help them prepare for financial independence.

Larry Burkett and Todd Temple will show you how to take back the control of your money. You’ll learn skills that will help you right now and prepare you for a successful financial future.

Several local homeschool groups will be teaching their teenaged students using Burkett’s sound financial advice from a Christian financial view this year. What a terrific idea. One group even ordered 25-copies of the workbook.

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