Prayer Request

Posted by Annie on Dec 30, 2009 in Parenting |

Dear Readers,

My son has been sick with tonsilitis for the past two weeks. Please remember him in your prayers. He’s having a real tough time of it.

Our son is finally starting to feel better but he’s lost 21 pounds so far and that’s a lot of weight to lose to quickly. He still isn’t able to eat. I’ve tried fruit cups, applesauce, popsicles, jello, soup, broth… Does anyone have any ideas? I am soooooo open for suggestions.

Gena of TOS recommended Elderberry syrup, I went to the store as soon as they opened and bought a bottle. He seemed to perk up immediately, then went right to sleep. Sleep is good.

On the brightside, We’ve added Mario and Tiffany to our team. I look forward to working with them both. The couple has recently settled back in the Sonora area.

More as soon as I can.

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