Baking for a Worthy Cause!

Posted by Annie on Apr 13, 2010 in Activity, Education |

Last summer we finally sent our son to summer camp. Wow, have you checked out the cost of a week at summer camp recently? The price can range from a low of around $100 to more than $3,000, pricing many families out of a terrific experience for their child.

We were fortunate, family members pitched in and pledged to sponsor our child. Our church assigned scripture verses for our son to learn and our sponsors paid up, once he met his end of the deal. It felt good to see him work for something he really wanted, it was a nice incentive for him.

The church also sponsored a bake sale, which is where I came in. Parents were required to sign up to bake a certain amount of items, which could be sold after church. Between sponsors, donations and the bake sale, the cost of sending our son to summer camp was totally covered. We ended up providing him with spending money, which was a great relief at the time, since finances were a little tight.

Not everyone has a supportive church group to lend a hand, so you can image my excitement when I learned about a free online course called “Baking for a Worthy Cause” by Cooking with Denay. What a unique idea. I couldn’t wait to share it with you.

Baking for a Worthy Cause is designed to provide valuable information for anyone who would like to host a bake‐sale to raise money for their special project. The best part is, this self-paced online course is free and open to the public.

By the end of the course you should have insight into:

  • Organizing your bake‐sale team
  • Assigning responsibilities
  • Planning the bake‐sale event
  • Recruiting volunteers
  • Knowledge of Bake‐Sale Food Safety
  • Packaging and Label requirements
  • Pricing your baked goods
  • Building a bake‐sale resource list

If you are planning to send your child to summer camp, sign up today and make your child’s dreams come true.

My son had so much fun at summer camp, we can’t wait to send him again this year. We sent a couple of disposable cameras with him and used the photos he took, the camp brochure and other materials to create a wonderful scrapbook that he and I worked on together. We had a terrific time working on it and he shows it to everyone.

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