Spring Cleaning Homeschool Style

Posted by Annie on Jun 29, 2010 in Activity, California, Seasonal |

I was exchanging comments on facebook today with another homeschool mom. She is in the middle of “Spring Cleaning.” Out with the old broken toys and finding homes for unused toys with plenty of  fun left in them.  

I’ve been going through the same ordeal at my house, except it’s worse. I’m not dealing with toys but with clothing – eh – it really is a pain. We live in a seasonal climate, which means we actually use things like hats and gloves in the winter and shorts and tank tops for summer. I’ve been washing and packing the long johns gathering hats, mating gloves and tossing out unneeded items for the past two weeks. It’s slow going.  

All of our weight has fluctuated so much that we each have three sizes of clothing, the problem is so out of hand. I’ve tried to solve the problem by using clear plastic bins. I have one just for the winter scarves, hats, gloves, and socks, yet  another for winter woolies, sweats, sweaters and the like. I can normally store of all our winter items in four or five bins.   I am almost finished packing.  

Playing with Legos


Figuring out what to do with all those toys can be a real frustration as well. I know I’ve tried toy boxes, big round bins, plastic storage bags – nothing really seemed to work well. We finally resorted to purchasing a metal rack and buying various size stackable plastic bins and label guns. While maybe not a perfect solution, the toys are manageable now.  

You can see and read about our project here.  

I am so glad we picked up some extra storage bins a couple days ago because we finally made a trip to Modesto (read: civilization) yesterday. We spent the entire day shopping.  

Do you sign up to receive emails from the companies you frequent often? As someone who really hates spam, I have always been reluctant to give away my email address to a  business, who may someday sell it to others.  

We’ve solved that problem quite effectively. Since we own our own domain, we simply add the store in such a way as to know exactly where the email came from. For example, we signed up to  receive emails from Toys R Us, using toysrus.com@example.com (not a real email address). We know instantly who’s email address that is.  

Just this week they sent us an email only special offer: Buy one Lego set for the regular price, get the second for 50% off. Wow. We couldn’t believe what a terrific deal they were offering. No coupon necessary. You won’t find any signs announcing the special, the discount is applied automatically  at the register…whether or not you received the email.  

You will have to be sure your domain host allows you to set up a “catch-all” account, if you plan to use unique email addresses. The best part is, you will know which companies you can actually trust and if you live in the state of California, you can even bring a lawsuit against the company in question. If an address is spammed, we simply block that email address, effectively killing their revenue stream. Don’tcha just love it when a plan comes together?  

We’ve found lots of terrific deals online and via email that has saved us lots of money.  

We actually went a little crazy on the Lego deal. We ended up buying  22 sets yesterday, most of them were very large and expensive but we realize that it’s something our entire family enjoys, so it’s not like we wouldn’t have spent the money down the road anyway. We  saved  about $400 buying them  in bulk, now we just have to figure out where to put them all.  

If you are interested in learning more about hosting services, domain registration or setting up your own website or blog, please contact Shawn K. Hall.

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