CHSPE Deadline Approaches

Posted by Annie on Jun 3, 2011 in California, Education |

My husband and I are both college dropouts, so it probably shouldn’t come to any surprise that our son has little interest in attending college. Now, don’t get me wrong — I place a high value on education — I am just not convinced that a college education means what it should for starters, or that it is worth the cost in this economy.

Barron's CHSPE: California High School Proficiency Exam (Barron's How to Prepare for the Chspe California High School Proficiency Examination) While, we have encouraged our son to pursue his dreams and to continue with his education, perhaps we’ve done a poor job advocating a college education, since we have little faith in public education as a whole ourselves. Who knows, perhaps he would have rejected college, even if we were strong supporters. There is really no way to know for certain.

What I do know is that unless my son changes his mind about formal education, which he hates, we were going to need some alternatives. As I started checking out his options, I discovered the CHSPE exam, which is offered to high school students in the state of California.

Student Eligibility to take the CHSPE

You may take the CHSPE only if, on the test date, you:

  • are at least 16 years old, or
  • have been enrolled in the tenth grade for one academic year or longer, or
  • will complete one academic year of enrollment in the tenth grade at the end of the semester during which the next regular administration will be conducted. (Regular administrations are the fall and spring administration each school year.)

CHSPE June Registration OpenRegistration for the June 18, 2011 administration of the CHSPE  is now open. The regular registration deadline for the June administration is May 20, 2011. Registration materials including printed Registration Form, proof of eligibility, and appropriate payment, must be received in the CHSPE Office by 5 p.m. May 20, 2011 to avoid late registration fees.

Students can prepare for the CHSPE test using a variety of methods. We ordered Barron’s CHSPE: California High School Proficiency Exam (Barron’s How to Prepare for the CHSPE California High School Proficiency Examination) to assist our son in preparing for the exam. There are many free resources online.

If you reside in California and are considering the CHSPE option for high school completion, I would encourage you to explore your educational options and keep an open mind. It isn’t unusual for students to change their minds several times in their teen years regarding college, vocation, career and work opportunities they choose to explore.

Let’s face it: a college degree isn’t always needed for all career options. With the cost of a college education escalating the way it has in the past 10 years or so, it simply doesn’t make economic sense to go into debt for something that may never pay off the way we expect. I know plenty of individuals with masters degrees and PhD’s who are highly (over) educated but under employed, many will be paying off those college loans for most of their adult life.

I could write a book on this topic but instead, I’d like to provide you with resources to help you make some difficult and important decisions with your homeschooled child.

Additional Resources:

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