Summer Revolution

Posted by Annie on Jun 23, 2011 in Education |

While reading the Outliers: The Story of Success, it occured to me that Liberty’s Kids would be a perfect tool for parents, who battle the summer vacation learning stagnation that takes place each summer in homes across the country.

I’ll bet your kids are planted in front of the television right now, soaking up the latest drivel streaming from the boob tube. It’s easy, requires almost no effort and provides little mental stimulation. Learning doesn’t have to be boring or difficult, in fact, it should be entertaining, easy to understand and engaging.

Most libraries have a pretty good selection of movies that can borrowed and if you watch for sales on Amazon, you can find educational DVD’s such as these for a song. When I find an item that I’d like to purchase on Amazon and the price is higher than I want to pay (or priced more than I can afford), I add it to my cart and save it for later. Each time I log in, I can check the items, Amazon let’s me know when the price has dropped or the item is finally in stock. I’ve found terrific bargains this way.

Check out this list of Revolutionary War DVD’s. Keep history alive and make it real for your kids. Summer should not only be fun, but educational. It will give your kids the boost they need to compete in our new global economy. Encourage the kids to explore what life was like during the Revolutionary War. It could change their perspective on the life they live today.

The Best of the Revolutionary War for Kids:

  1. Liberty’s Kids: Complete Series – 40 full episodes – [ages 7-13] Far more than a simple chronicle of the battles and major events of the American Revolution, Liberty’s Kids tells the story of the cultural, scientific, political, and social forces that helped shape America’s fight for independence from the perspective of two young teens from very different backgrounds. [DVD]
  2. American Colonies / American RevolutionAmerican Colonies/ American Revolution –  [ages 8-13] A theatrical American history production with period and original songs, humor and puppetry, and free online activities and music/video clips. Corresponds to American history educational standards. [VHS]
  3. Johnny Tremain – [ages 8-13] Looking for a way to make the American Revolution come alive for your child? Based on Esther Forbes’s book of the same name, Johnny Tremain takes place in Boston from July 1773 through April 1775, and tells the story of a young apprentice silversmith drawn into a fight for human rights. [DVD]

  4. John Adams (HBO Miniseries)John Adams (HBO Miniseries) [ages 10+] Adams, second president of the United States, is portrayed as a skilled orator and principled attorney whose preference for justice over anti-English passions earns enemies. The first thing one notices about John Adams‘ dramatizations of congress’ proceedings, and the fervent pro-independence violence in the streets of Boston and elsewhere, is that America’s roots don’t look pretty or idealized here. [DVD]

  5. The History Channel Presents Washington the Warrior The History Channel Presents Washington the Warrior – [ages 10+] The military career of George Washington is the well-chosen focus of this History Channel documentary, which will probably surprise the casual history buff. Learn the fascinating story of Washington’s youthful ride into the Ohio territory to deliver a message to the French, a defining moment (and one that made Washington a celebrity after his diary of the journey was published). [DVD]

  6. The Founding of America MegasetThe Founding of America Megaset – [ages 10+] The story begins with Samuel Adams and John Hancock in Boston, whose protests against British taxation led to the Boston Tea Party. Moving on to the Continental Congress meeting in Philadelphia, the brilliant delegates from the South, particularly George Washington and Thomas Jefferson appear on the scene, and the story is told of how an improbable cohesion between the colonies began. [DVD]

Learn more about Liberty’s Kids and watch the show online for free.

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