Break The Cycle of Shrinking Family Time
Evangelical Pastor Offers Lessons Taught by His Dad
San Antonio evangelical preacher Matthew Hagee’s new release Response Able: What my father taught me about life and making a difference (Charisma Media) offers the insights of a lifetime on parenting, self-reliance and affecting societal change. The key to any significant transformation, according to Hagee, is a refusal of the sense of entitlement often associated with Gen-Y and Millennials.
Instead, Hagee argues that readers should embrace self-reliance and acknowledge the individual’s God-given ability to respond in a positive manner, regardless of the circumstances.
“One of the most valuable lessons my father taught me was to focus on what I can do, rather than what I cannot,” says Hagee. “If your life is on a course that you would indeed like to change, you can change it. No matter what.”
With some parents working two jobs or both parents working more than 40 hours a week, Hagee wants to help parents break the cycle of shrinking family time in America. To do this, he has issued a provocative challenge to the parents in his flock. He calls it the 707 Challenge and, beginning this month, he wants parents to sign up for the 707 Campaign that requires moms and dads to commit to spending at least seventy minutes per day with their children, seven days a week, for seventy days.
“The time has come for this generation to take responsibility for tomorrow,” says Hagee, “and the response begins with you.”
Hagee’s book offers faith-based insight and guidance on initiating powerful change in personal, social, financial, educational and political arenas. Hagee bases his premise on a conviction that principle should be the compass by which to guide one’s life, and not passion.
“Principles are powerful,” says Hagee. “They will make men out of boys and instill a foundation in future generations that cannot be shaken.”
Other foundational concepts offered in the book include:
• Responsible people submit to authority, namely God
• Declare war on the status quo
• Invest in others, primarily children
• Patience rewarded
• Gratitude
• The joy of giving
And many more concepts chiseled into his character by his father’s loving guidance. For more information on this remarkable man and his new book, visit: — get a free digital copy of the first chapter.
Matthew Hagee, the son of global evangelist John Hagee, serves as Executive Pastor of the 20-thousand member Cornerstone Church founded by his father in San Antonio, Texas. The elder Hagee launched the church more than three decades ago, growing it into one of the most influential and charismatic Christian communities in the country.
The companion TV ministry now reaches almost 100 million homes in the U.S., Canada, Europe, Australia, Africa and New Zealand. Matthew Hagee, the heir-apparent to the church and TV ministry, uses many lessons taught by his father as the framework of Response Able.
Part of Matthew Hagee’s rich legacy from his father John, included practical wisdom rooted in Christian principles. As Pastor of a large church in Texas, Matthew now applies this wisdom in a challenge to his congregation to responsibly change a disturbing trend in our country today – the shrinking window of family time at home. In his latest book, Response Able, Hagee offers workable solutions for five key areas that he believes are all connected, and encourages us to make the necessary changes in order to bring about a lasting transformation in our lives and the lives of loved ones.
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