The Gift of Boredom

Posted by Annie on Jan 8, 2012 in Education, Parenting |

I just read “The Gift of Boredom” article on page 34 of the January issue of TOS Magazine. *I* was the bored child. It didn’t matter what stimuli I had at my disposal – I just got bored easily. While it often bothered me, my mother inspired me to do something with it.

So I read the dictionary, encyclopedia and thousands of other books. Taught myself Greek. And Latin. And bored with them, I created… my own language based on the decimal system. (“10” is just a cool number, isn’t it?)

I rearranged my room almost every Thursday. I wrote songs, and poetry, and some of the absolutely weirdest stories (I wish I still had copies). I created a number of cryptographic cyphers – the most memorable of them using a Tom Petty album for inspiration (passed thru an audio to spectral light filter, of course).

I got bored, and I still loved every minute of it.

I  wonder if I could have even been the same person today if my parents didn’t let me get bored?

Boredom has turned me into someone who can consume vast amounts of information and apply it in ways, well, ways that are probably not how it was intended. All the same, I’m better off for it.

Thanks, Mom and Dad. 🙂

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