A supply of eggs…

Posted by Annie on Jun 13, 2014 in Education |

We aren’t really doing school this summer, I’ve been really focused on my garden and my chickens.  I started out with about a dozen chickens, I now have 20, which is more than I ever planned on having.  I came across this article today, what a great idea.

Eggs for Everyone

The community in which I reside has a large number of low-income citizens with limited resources for food. I feel compelled to assist those in need and plan to do so by providing them a healthy supply of non-GMO eggs every week.

Chicken Coop

Wouldn’t this be a great project for a homeschool group?  Build a chicken coop, share the cost, share the profit, what a terrific way to teach kids to be entrepreneurs.  We built a chicken coop out of mostly reclaimed items. Some used siding, left over decking, extra wood from other projects.  Most of the 2 x 4’s we had to purchase but even the door came with the spare hardware.

Coop 004

All the comforts of home. We spent about $200 in materials.  The nesting boxes used to have tools in them from a hardware store.  The owner gave them to us.  I’ve seen people use plastic buckets laid on their side or make them out of pallets. You can make nesting boxes out a variety of material, just get creative.

What ever projects you decide to tackle this summer, have fun and tell us about them.  We’d love to print your article or story.

Here’s a quick tutorial:

Are you raising chickens?  What’s your favorite thing about them?

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