What are you doing?

Posted by Annie on Apr 9, 2015 in college, Education |

Today, I want to talk to the young people who are homeschooling. You are the future and you are coming of age in scary times.  It’s going to be rough for your generation but I’m certain you are up to the task.
There are two schools of thought for becoming successful. Either become an expert in your field or diversify and be a jack of all trades.  Both have merit.

It’s a fact that the more time you spend doing something the more proficient you will be at it.  Those who start early, get a jump on things. The book Outliers says it takes 10,000 hours doing “something” to become an expert at it. It’s a good book that will give you perspective.

What if you have no idea what you want to do?  Then you will want to start “somewhere”. Do you like history, computer games, poetry?  Whatever interests you, that is where you should start. Learning about it will lead you to more questions than answers. The main thing is to keep learning, become involved.  Times are going to get tough, so you will have to become creative. Can you grow a garden? What if the Internet goes down for a long period of time? Do you have cookbooks? Do you know which local, wild plants are edible, should you ever find yourself hungry?

We depend on electricity and the Internet each and every day.  Our on-board GPS was down for a couple of months.  We didn’t realize how dependent we had become on technology.  It’s not a guarantee in life.

The constitution says … “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

Nowhere does it say anything about the Internet.

Can you care for yourself? Do you have first aid items on hand? Remember during Katrina the government was late getting in the game. I challenge each and every one of you to put together an emergency plan and help your family survive any coming catastrophe.

Getting an education means getting your hands dirty. It’s messy, it keeps you engaged and active.  You’ll meet new people, they will inspire you or you will inspire them.  Don’t be afraid to try everything.

Then learn a skill be it gardening, cutting wood, mowing lawns, making dolls, sewing, baking, any real tangible skills. The thinking is that these skills can bartered with to gain access to food and medical supplies and other things, which most certainly will be in short supply.  You can be a real asset to your family.  You could be the difference between making it or not.

And if a miracle happens and we don’t have a financial melt down, you will be better prepared for life on your own.

I’ve been homeschooling for over 30 years. I guess I chose homeschooling because I left school in the 9th grade. When my class graduated, I took and passed my GED test, signed up for college all while living on my own, sometimes walking more than 12 miles a day for work.  My first job was sorting potatoes and onions, making $1.65 an hour.  It was a five mile walk to work and back. Sometimes I got a ride, most day I did not.

I can honestly say I’ve learned something new everyday.  I didn’t graduate college, it was a fun break from life but I found no benefit from it other than the people I met along the way.  People are what’s important.  Stop and say hello. Combine  your skills and talents with someone else, start a business, see where it leads.

Our family is involved with Mountain People Organics, it’s a great little community where we collaborate for the good of the community.  All it took was for one little lady to stand up and make it happen. These will be the people I turn to when things get ugly.  It’s not too late to start getting involved.  I was on my own at 14.  Don’t tell me your too young to make a difference in your home, your community, or even your state.

Share your stories of how you are making a difference in your community. I would love to hear from you.

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