Posted by Annie on Jan 8, 2012 in
I just read “The Gift of Boredom” article on page 34 of the January issue of TOS Magazine. *I* was the bored child. It didn’t matter what stimuli I had at my disposal – I just got bored easily. While it often bothered me, my mother inspired me to do something with it. So I […]
Tags: boredom, free, humor, linguistics, LocalHS, social science, time wasting, Tom Petty
Posted by Annie on Jul 28, 2011 in
Evangelical Pastor Offers Lessons Taught by His Dad San Antonio evangelical preacher Matthew Hagee’s new release Response Able: What my father taught me about life and making a difference (Charisma Media) offers the insights of a lifetime on parenting, self-reliance and affecting societal change. The key to any significant transformation, according to Hagee, is a […]
Tags: 707 Challenge, ability, Africa, America, biblical principles, children, Cornerstone Church, family, family time, free, giving, God, John Hagee, LocalHS, responsibility, San Antonio, Settlers of Catan
Posted by Annie on Jul 21, 2011 in
We’ve all heard of traditional homeschooling where mom sits at the kitchen table, the children are gathered around, workbooks open and curriculum flows as if the children never left the public school system. Mom and dad believe if it’s good enough for Johnny, it’s good enough for my Henry, too. Did anyone ever bother to […]
Tags: ability, budget, charter school, children, Diane Flynn Keith, Education, expert, free, fun, giving, Homefires, homeschool, homeschoolers, homeschooling, kids, Kindle, kitchen, LocalHS, money, NEA, options, Parent, private school, public school, questions, Rethink, Sandra Dodd, school, seminar, State school, teen, teens, teleconference, unschool, Unschool Your Teen, Unschooling