What to do with the kids?
It’s January, the weather sucks. I haven’t seen a blue sky for days (note to self: must remember to take extra Vitamin D). The kids are home, they are bored, fighting and you’ve had it…
But wait a minute. Are you going to let your children get the better of you? You can outsmart them. Make it a game of wits. My children never told me they were bored, because I found things for them to do and they never knew what hairbrained scheme I would come up with.
We used to go to the zoo the first Monday of the month, when they offered free admittance. We would pack a lunch, take our books and put everything in a wagon. The kids were free to explore, we even had walkie talkies for each of them. It was really fun.
The children had one assignment, choose an animal and discover as much as they could about the animal, then write about what they have learned. The kids sometimes got very involved and spent hours in our library at home (this was before we had computers). We had an extensive library of around 5,000 books, to explore on everything from Atoms to Vitamins.
The best part is to watch your kids interact with others and get involved with their community. Offer to help on your neighbors farms, take a knitting class, book time at the gym. Change it up, keep them guessing, but most of all, keep them busy exploring, learning and engaging in the world around them. You keep trying until you find something that clicks for them.
Volunteer positions can and often do turn into career changers.
These are some excellent ideas of places you can volunteer, listed by county. The organizations listed in this resource guide welcome kids and/or families as volunteers.
Volunteer in California – Listed By County
Are you ready for a challenge? The National Park Service’s centennial year is here, and we want to encourage everyone to take part in the celebration! We invite people of all ages to find their park and discover the national parks in their community through volunteerism. Registered volunteers who contribute 201.6 hours of service between January 1, 2016 and December 31, 2016 can earn a Centennial Volunteer Challenge Coin!
Volunteers-In-Parks – National Park Service
Heck, the kids and I used to protest abortions at the local abortion clinic. We volunteered as a family to clean our church. We saved all our change for a trip. The opportunities are endless. The most important thing is to keep the kids busy and out of trouble. 🙂
Be sure to allow plenty of time for personal reflection, kids need time to process just like adults do.
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- Contributing to global ecosystem and species die-off
- Completely disrupting the hydrological cycle (rain cycle) all over the planet
- Destroying the ozone layer which is causing off the chart levels of UV radiation
- Contaminating our air, soils, and waters with highly toxic heavy metals
- Causing extreme and unquantifiable environmental and human health impacts
- Are being carried out illegally under the guise of “national security”
- What is geoengineering?
- Why is it being done?
- Who is doing this?
- What are the overall consequences to the biosphere and to us?
- How can we expose and stop these lethal programs?
- Doors open at 4pm, Friday, August 14th. Admission is FREE, and there will be free informational materials available, including commercial DVDs while supplies last (500 copies)
- The event will begin at 6:45pm with John B Wells update summary
- 7:10pm, “statements of urgency” from experts
- 7:45pm, “Engineering Earth” completely updated power point presentation
- 8:30pm, panel of experts will answer audience questions
- 10:00pm, auditorium doors will close
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Essential Oils and Health
Our family has been experimenting with Essential Oils and I have to tell you, I’m having a blast. Now, you might ask, “Why essential oils?” Let me count the ways…
Essential oils work, from Lavender for itching or for relaxing to Ylang Ylang for depression or as health booster for the nervous system. I have found them to be not only healthful but cost effective. Some essential oils are good for so many things.
Try these to get you started…
You can mix them, use them for cooking, making lotions, creams, salves…the possibilities are endless. You will want to use them for your health. Once you start, you won’t stop. It’s addictive. Here are a few salve recipes. Experiment with them and make your own.
Standard Salve or Ointment Recipes
You can even take free Introduction to Essential Oils class online. Essential oils are so easy, fun, and relaxing.
Free Essential Oil Training — Learn about the healing powers of Frankincense and Myrrh, two fantastic oil that are great for healing. They actually protect your health. Girls will enjoy making lotions, cremes, even lip balm, while the boys may make healing salves, specialty oil mixes, like a headache remedy mixture.
I like to tell my family I can create any mood they want. It’s so much fun. I hope you will try it, too. There are so many things you can do with them. I even use them in my garden and chicken coop. They are truly wonderful.
Join me on Facebook and tell me about your creations! I’d love to hear from you.
I also want you to know about my newest list, Treat yourself Health, where the focus is on maintaining your own health, or getting healthy using natural substances and your bodies natural ability to heal.