Essential Oils and Health
Our family has been experimenting with Essential Oils and I have to tell you, I’m having a blast. Now, you might ask, “Why essential oils?” Let me count the ways… Essential oils work, from Lavender for itching or for relaxing to Ylang Ylang for depression or as health booster for the nervous system. I have […]
Redwood City Homeschooling
Are you interested in homeschooling or unschooling? Have you just begun your journey? Are you currently un/homeschooling and need some inspiration? Join us for a fun, informative, and thought-provoking conversation at this all-inclusive, non-sectarian event. Veteran Homeschool Moms, Mentors, & Activists: Barbara Phillips and Diane Flynn Keith are hosting: The Art of Homeschooling Saturday, January […]
Break The Cycle of Shrinking Family Time
Evangelical Pastor Offers Lessons Taught by His Dad San Antonio evangelical preacher Matthew Hagee’s new release Response Able: What my father taught me about life and making a difference (Charisma Media) offers the insights of a lifetime on parenting, self-reliance and affecting societal change. The key to any significant transformation, according to Hagee, is a […]