Educational History
It’s summertime, the kids are carefree — at the beach or park, everything is sweet. But fall is just around the corner. Next month it’s back-to-school clothes and supplies. Before you consider putting your kids back in the public school system, have you considered the alternatives? Did you ever wonder what is going on in […]
Bikes for Foster Kids
Every kid should have a bike – especially kids away from home and family. If you have an old bike laying around, consider donating it. If you don’t live in Arizona, why not find out how you can start something in your area.
Mail Call Exhibit Opens
I think most of us have had a stamp collection at one time or another in our lives. I can recall as a girl, dreaming up ways to get mail from anyone overseas. I was thrilled to receive a letter all the way from Australia, until I discovered just how expensive it was to send […]