YA: Family Camping
I can’t tell you how long it has been since our family has been camping and it saddens me. Yes, it is a lot of work but it brought the family together in a way few other experiences can. We worked together on our extensive camping gear lists, buying trips and on packing detail as […]
Animal School
As I watched this I couldn’t help but think just how fortunate most homeschooled children really are. Aside from those children who homeschool through the public school system, most homeschooled children are lucky enough to have parents who have come to realize that children aren’t carbon copies of each other. Each child is unique with […]
Television Alternatives
In case you missed it, there has been a lively discussion on the Unpreschool list on the merits and pitfalls of television viewing for young children. Author and lecturer Diane Flynn Keith provided a terrific list of activities to take the place of television viewing… An Unpreschool List Member named Michelle wrote: Our family will […]