Canning with a Teenager
My son is 17 now. Canning is not high on his list of things to do, but most of the time he gets into it. Once I get him pointed in the right direction he’s pretty good. He’s helped me peel potatoes, peel, core and slice apples and numerous other things.
New Year Resolution
It’s easy to get off track during the holidays. Forty to 45 percent of Americans make New Year’s resolutions, and I know I always do. So, we have decided to get back to basics, put away the games for a bit and get out the math, the history and of course science. Whatever your resolutions, […]
Break The Cycle of Shrinking Family Time
Evangelical Pastor Offers Lessons Taught by His Dad San Antonio evangelical preacher Matthew Hagee’s new release Response Able: What my father taught me about life and making a difference (Charisma Media) offers the insights of a lifetime on parenting, self-reliance and affecting societal change. The key to any significant transformation, according to Hagee, is a […]