At the end of your rope?
It’s October! Fall is in the air. This is just about the time of year, when new homeschoolers start to question their decision to homeschool. The kids aren’t doing their seat work and getting the math done is like pulling teeth. Everyone is frustrated and at the end of their ropes. You would be […]
Free Tele-Seminar
During my FREE teleseminar for parents, I’m going to reveal how you can empower your teens with a solid financial foundation by discovering… The three most important habits teens (or anybody for that matter) can put into place today to create wealth. An easy cure for the question, “Mom, can I borrow some money?” The […]
Do Hard Things!
Did you know that prior to 1941 there was no such thing as a “teenager”? I knew that things had changed in recent years but I didn’t realize it was that recent in our history. Prior to 1941 you were either a child or an adult. There was no in between and no such thing […]