Posted by Annie on Sep 28, 2013 in
We’ve really been doing our homework… our GMO homework. Our household is in the process of switching over to a totally non-GMO diet. It’s a process and it’s not easy. I’ve been learning to make several kinds of breads, different styles of pizza, and learning to eat less meat.
Tags: Blog, Chocolate, homemade, homeschoolers, homeschooling, kids, kitchen, march, Meat, organic, podcast, write
Posted by Annie on Mar 17, 2013 in
It seems I bought four meat birds. They will be ready to butcher in 8-weeks. Not 8-weeks from now, but in 8-weeks total. Please don’t buy these birds. They grow so fast they can hardly walk, you can see their little hearts beating for all it’s worth.
Tags: Chicken, family, homeschooling, Meat, organic, Poultry, Rural Living, school, Thanksgiving
Posted by Annie on Jun 30, 2012 in
Young Authors
Didn’t get a job this summer? There are still plenty of ways to gain valuable work experience and build your resume! Questia, the premier online research tool for students, has compiled a list of 10 ways college students and recent graduates can constructively spend their free time this summer.
Tags: Blog, blogging, California, Cengage Learning, children, collection, college, E-learning, Education, family, free, group, homeschool, homeschooling, Questia Online Library, reading, science, sharing, students, summer, teens, volunteer, write