YA: Family Camping
I can’t tell you how long it has been since our family has been camping and it saddens me. Yes, it is a lot of work but it brought the family together in a way few other experiences can. We worked together on our extensive camping gear lists, buying trips and on packing detail as […]
Free Homeschool TeleConference
Homeschool Thursdays TeleConference With Diane Flynn Keith I’m excited to invite you to Diane Flynn Keith’s first ever “Homeschool Thursdays Teleconference”! It’s designed to provide you with ideas to help you save time and money – and make your homeschool journey a whole lot of fun! The first presentation will be: “The Mindset & Resources […]
Free Tele-Seminar
During my FREE teleseminar for parents, I’m going to reveal how you can empower your teens with a solid financial foundation by discovering… The three most important habits teens (or anybody for that matter) can put into place today to create wealth. An easy cure for the question, “Mom, can I borrow some money?” The […]