Posted by Annie on May 18, 2010 in
Young Authors
Have you heard the latest news? HomeschoolBlogger has rolled out their new blogging engine. The crew has literally been working around the clock to iron out the bugs and put their new face on. The publishers at Homeschool Blogger have pulled out all the stops to make this transition as smooth as possible. […]
Tags: 12 Point Design, Blog, blogging, homeschool, MySpace
Posted by Annie on Feb 6, 2009 in
Annette M. Hall’s Facebook profile I’ve spent the past few days playing around with Facebook. If you haven’t been invited to join Facebook yet, I’d be very surprised. I had many requests to join the conglomerate of networks before I finally decided to take the plunge. In fact, if Shawn hadn’t asked me to join, […]
Tags: Facebook, friends, fun, MySpace, network, networking, picture, sharing