Non-Weight Loss
I hate to admit it but my son is a little overweight, well, maybe more than a little — I worry about his health. He’s 13 and weighs in at a hefty 164.5 pounds. Both his biological parents are short (under 5’2″) and husky. We’ve tried everything to help him lose the weight and nothing […]
Facebook Fun
Annette M. Hall’s Facebook profile I’ve spent the past few days playing around with Facebook. If you haven’t been invited to join Facebook yet, I’d be very surprised. I had many requests to join the conglomerate of networks before I finally decided to take the plunge. In fact, if Shawn hadn’t asked me to join, […]
Get a Real Education
Los Angeles Times writers seemingly communist, ill-informed hacks. Today I want to comment on one of the worst researched and most highly inflammatory articles that I’ve had the displeasure of reading on the Los Angeles Times website in years. In the article, "Regulating home schoolers," Walter P. Coombs and Ralph E. Shaffer think they have […]