Searching for Huntsville Teacher
Marie from Huntsville, Texas is searching for an exceptional teacher in her local area. She writes: I heard through the grapevine that there is an awesome home school teacher in Huntsville, Texas that goes above and beyond the call of duty. Do you all know who she is? ~ Marie Huntsville, Texas So, how ’bout […]
Homeschool Divorce Trial
Have you been following the most recent homeschooling case to hit the news? Jeff and Lisa are fighting out the private matter of the education of their children in a St. Charles County court house. I wonder if they realize that this is how thousands of CPS cases are started each year? But that’s an […]
The Unschooling Method
In response to the San Francisco Chronicle editorial ‘Rule of Education’. An editorial, which ran in the San Francisco Chronicle today was quite disturbing. While the article pointed out the hypocrisy of a state that from all appearances believes every child in the state should be supervised by government officials, it went on to condemn […]