Posted by Annie on Jun 30, 2012 in
Young Authors
Didn’t get a job this summer? There are still plenty of ways to gain valuable work experience and build your resume! Questia, the premier online research tool for students, has compiled a list of 10 ways college students and recent graduates can constructively spend their free time this summer.
Tags: Blog, blogging, California, Cengage Learning, children, collection, college, E-learning, Education, family, free, group, homeschool, homeschooling, Questia Online Library, reading, science, sharing, students, summer, teens, volunteer, write
Posted by Annie on Sep 16, 2011 in
Working in conjunction with HSLDA, U.S. Representative Randy Hultgren (IL-14) introduced new federal legislation (H.R. 2910) intended to protect homeschooling students school records. ChristianNewsWire reports: Hultgren Introduces Homeschool Bill WASHINGTON, Sept. 16, 2011 — U.S. Rep. Randy Hultgren (IL-14) will be holding a press conference call on Tuesday, September 20 at 10:30 am ET to […]
Tags: Britain, California, children, collection, data safety, Education, family, freedom, Freedom of Information Act, Home School Legal Defense Association, homeschool, homeschoolers, homeschooling, identity theft, kids, legislation, opinion, private school, Randy Hultgren, school, students, teleconference
Posted by Annie on Jun 26, 2011 in
Earlier this month Diane Flynn Keith penned an article titled: Rites of Passage, in which she says in part: It’s hard to escape the school calendar and its associated events. I am always surprised when homeschoolers follow the traditional school year, and even more miffed when they engage in the ritual of graduation (for each […]
Tags: ability, children, classroom, Education, family, fun, grades, graduation, homeschool, homeschoolers, homeschooling, kids, Kindergarten, Kindle, LocalHS, march, math, public school, reading, school, student, students