Television Alternatives
In case you missed it, there has been a lively discussion on the Unpreschool list on the merits and pitfalls of television viewing for young children. Author and lecturer Diane Flynn Keith provided a terrific list of activities to take the place of television viewing… An Unpreschool List Member named Michelle wrote: Our family will […]
Compulsive Behavior
As a parent I often find it frustrating when my own child displays his compulsive behavior. Our home is filled with it. This topic is on my mind today because a couple things happened today that really brought the issue to my attention. Earlier the topic came up on one of the lists I subscribe […]
Dr. Potato Head
I always liked to think of myself as a jack-of-all trades – yet master of none. Keeping that lofty goal in mind, I never thought I would be an expert in any particular field. So you have to imagine my surprise upon learning that, according to Dr. Phil, I am an expert at growing vegetables! […]